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Melbourne Cup Wine Skins

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A fabulous and fun event, The Melbourne Cup Wine Skins will be played as a Texan Stableford multiplier with teams of 4 players (Men's, Mixed, Women's) over 18 holes for a maximum of 120 amateur players. 

Texan Stableford Multiplier description...

- All players tee off
- The best drive is chosen and all players play their individual ball from the chosen drive to record their own Stableford results 
- The four scores are then multiplied 
- Every player must have a minimum of 3 drives on the card
- Skins is played across the entire field (based on the team score) with the scores collated in the Clubhouse following play

Four bottles of wine to be won on ever hole!
- If there is no clear winning team on a given hole, the wine jackpots to the next hole
- Play will commence at 9am via a multi-tee start
- Handicap limit 36 (Men), 45 (Women)
- Entrance Fee (includes  a Melbourne Cup Celebratory Sandwich Lunch + Sweet Treats)
- 18 Hole event $35 (Members) or $45 (Non Members) 
- Prize for best individual Stableford score
- Nearest to pins
- Entries close at 5pm on Thursday November 1st or when capacity field is reached
- Entries on an as received basis

Enter via or call (03) 5251 1111
Download entry form here 
Entries close 5pm Thursday November 1. 


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